Module @unified-latex/unified-latex-cli - v1.6.0


What is this?

Command line interface to common unified-latex functions.

When should I use this?

If you want to reformat, process, or gather statistic on LaTeX files from the command line.


Reformat and pretty-print a file

unified-latex input.tex -o output.tex

List all commands defined via \newcommand and friends (and hide the file output).

unified-latex input.tex --no-stdout --stats

Expand the definition of the macro \foo{...}, which takes one argument.

unified-latex input.tex -e "\\newcommand{foo}[1]{FOO(#1)}"

View the parsed AST.

unified-latex input.tex --inspect

Convert the file to HTML. (Note, you will need to include and configure a library like MathJax or KaTeX to render any math in the resulting HTML. Warnings are provided for macros that aren't recognized by the converter.)

unified-latex input.tex -o output.html --html

Lint all tex files in the current directory and watch for changes.

unified-latex . --no-stdout --lint-all --watch


npm install @unified-latex/unified-latex-cli

This package contains both esm and commonjs exports. To explicitly access the esm export, import the .js file. To explicitly access the commonjs export, import the .cjs file.

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