EnvInfo: {
    processContent?: ((ast) => Node[]);
    renderInfo?: {
        alignContent?: boolean;
        inMathMode?: boolean;
        namedArguments?: (string | null)[];
        pgfkeysArgs?: boolean;
        tikzEnvironment?: boolean;
    signature?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional processContent?: ((ast) => Node[])

    Function to process the body of an environment. The return value of processContent is treated as the new body.

      • (ast): Node[]
      • Function to process the body of an environment. The return value of processContent is treated as the new body.


        Returns Node[]

  • Optional renderInfo?: {
        alignContent?: boolean;
        inMathMode?: boolean;
        namedArguments?: (string | null)[];
        pgfkeysArgs?: boolean;
        tikzEnvironment?: boolean;
    • Optional alignContent?: boolean

      Whether to align the environment contents based on & and \\ delimiters (like a matrix or tabular environment).

    • Optional inMathMode?: boolean

      Whether the body of the environment should be treated as math mode

    • Optional namedArguments?: (string | null)[]

      A list of names to be given to each argument when processing. This list should be the same length as the number of arguments. null can appear any number of times for "un-named" arguments.

      This allows a consistent reference to macro arguments even if the macro signatures are redefined between packages.

    • Optional pgfkeysArgs?: boolean

      Whether the arguments should be treated as pgfkeys-type arguments.

    • Optional tikzEnvironment?: boolean

      Whether the body is tikz-environment like (e.g., a tikzpicture or scope, etc.)

  • Optional signature?: string

    The environment signature as an xparse argument specification string.

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