• Create an Argument list. special.braces can optionally specify the signature of the open/close marks that each argument uses. For example

    args(["a", "b"], { braces: "[]{}" });

    will result in arguments [a]{b}. Valid braces are *, [, {, (, and <.

    null may be passed as the value of an empty optional argument. If null is passed, the openBrace and closeBrace of the argument will be set to empty strings and the contents will be set to an empty array. For example,

    args([null, "b"], { braces: "[]{}" });

    will produce the same structure as if the the first "optional argument" were omitted in regular parsing.


    • args: CoercibleArgument | CoercibleArgument[]
    • Optional special: ArgumentsSpecialOptions

    Returns Argument[]

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